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Old 11-02-2018, 12:31 PM
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Re: Take Me In-Catherine Mullins

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
A few questions, if I may:

1. Why do so many male leaders in Christendom come across as limp wristed sissy soyboys? I don't know the guy but if I met him on the street I would keep myself and my kids away from him. Just saying.

2. Why do these people talk and carry on as if there never has been any Pentecostal revival in America or elsewhere?

3. Why do these people identify worship and the presence of God almost exclusively with music? They sound like a Christianised version of Beatlemania.

4. Why has Christian music and (by extension) "worship" become dominated by women and the feminine approach to things? I don't know any men who feel "drawn closer to God" by having worship presented as some kind of Harlequin romance sexcapade. Well, maybe guys like the guy in the video but that brings me back to question number 1...
1. So how do you know his wrists are limp? That he is a sissy? Is he supposed to be Mr. Bad? Macho Man? If I saw him on the street I would think nothing different than I would think of any other man.

2. They want to see something in their own generation?

3. Maybe thats the way they have encountered him for the most part? When they connect with him in other ways they will know him more than they do now?

4. Maybe because there are more women than men seeking God? Loving God? Attending Church?

I am a man who is drawn closer to God in times of intimate praise and worship. I know nothing about "romance sexpade". I do know about loving Jesus.

Last edited by Michael The Disciple; 11-02-2018 at 12:35 PM.
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