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Old 03-03-2012, 09:40 AM
bbyrd009 bbyrd009 is offline

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Re: List the Cultic doctrinal errors of Branhamism

This video doesn't really address anything? Mr Baxter does frame the modern day church in diff terms than (I) have heard, somewhat "Evangelical v Charismatic," and respectively "short on Spirit v short on Word," which def resonated.

However, there is no mention of any specific doctrine, serpent seed, etc? It has gotten comical now, the difficulty in getting stated, in a simple paragraph, the opposition to serpent seed? I'll look a bit today, and just pretend I'm on a mission, but I can't help but feel I'm mostly wasting my time--reminiscent of my rapture discussions, frankly.

I'm curious Mr Branham's position on rapture now...I'll come back with the best de-bunk of serpent seed I can find, if no one else has it?
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