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Old 08-27-2013, 12:33 PM
MarcBee MarcBee is offline
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Re: What I'm Learning From Islam:

Additonally, I wonder how Apostolic Pentecostals might honestly argue that Islam isn't demonstrably more monotheistic than even "Apostolic Christianity." Islam has no similar need to duck and weave and do mental gymnastics to explain how One God concept accurately explains the "Father in creation, the Son in Redemption, and the Holy Spirit in the Church" (a phrase that probably inadequately summarizes a much bigger explanation.) Or, for example, the ducking, weaving required in explaining 1John 5:7 "For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one."

Not trying to claim any point other than Islam seems more demonstrably monotheistic than any extant form of Christianity.

BTW, 1John 5:7 does not exist in the earliest manuscripts--it was added by some scribe/monk a couple centuries later. And maybe that monk's nickname was "Buck, God's Monk."


Deeply JN Apostolic: 1978-1999.
Happily agnostic/atheist 2011 to present.

Good news! The gospel boils down to, "Love me
or I will destroy you." --A god.

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