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Old 08-07-2019, 11:40 PM
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by coksiw View Post
I see your point. You think of it as a recommended amount, for practical reasons, to be able to pay the bills.

There is nothing wrong with that system if it is taught that way and the church agrees with it.

Teaching it as a commandment from the Lord, to the point of saying that if you don't tithe you are sinning and going to hell (as I have heard it from the pulpit before), is not a correct interpretation of the Bible.

I believe in systematic offerings as well, especially if the church wants to have a building, why not! As long as we agree and setup something fair, and people are not prevented from serving because they can't afford to give 10%

But the reality is that that's not what happens. Tithing is always taught with pressure, and with punishment: if you don't tithe, you can't serve in certain roles in the assembly, etc...
Tithing I know has been misrepresented by many. For many it is tradition and they preach it hard in sincerity and not meaning to be false teachers. On the other hand, many that come against tithing do so because they are offended and feel like they have been bewronged by leadership. I have been offended and have seen ministry fail. But, I still have not given up on church infrastructure and leadership and the financial support of it.

As for people not being able to afford to tithe I find that an oxymoron. a tithe is a tenth of something, if you don't have anything there is no tithe to give. I understand moments in life where people have either made bad choices or have had tragedies that have affected their finances. In those moments you can only do the best you can. Those times are only temporary though, and people should be good stewards to get back on track where they can be productive for their ownselves along with the kingdom of God. Personally the church should band together to help its members to get back on their feet.

I don't really ever know who is tithing at our church. I don't request proof of income, but if someone wants to lead in the church and the have no systematic giving it is red flag that they are not committed. I don't wish to belittle them and I will never ask anyone how much they make. Our salvation is not dependent on 10% or any other percentage, but is a matter of our heart toward God. Often times where our treassures are, it just simply proves where our heart is.
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