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Old 01-22-2019, 09:40 PM
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jfrog jfrog is offline
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State Voting Law Impacts

So we all know that various states have quite different voting laws. It seems that typically blue states make it easier to vote and red states make it more difficult. Has anyone looked at the question of what the popular vote would have been like if red states had the same "easier" voting laws as blue states and what the popular vote would have been like if blue states had the same "harder" voting laws as red states?

Or how about this question, how much more of the popular vote did democrats get in the last presidential election because of their more lax voting laws? Would republicans have had the popular vote if voting laws had been equal or in their favor?

Would making voter laws more lax in red states actually provide more democrat or republican voters?

Is anyone aware of any studies on questions like these?
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