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Old 05-16-2019, 12:20 PM
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mfblume mfblume is offline
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Location: Portage la Prairie, MB CANADA
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We're the Temple

Ezekiel saw the river of life flowing from the temple of God, giving life wherever it went. Isaiah was inside the temple in his vision, and saw the glory of God ready to break from the throne and fill the earth. Zechariah saw Jerusalem, where the temple was, issue river of life. Joel saw the fountain from the house of God flow out. All of that is speaking of believers today. We are the temple of the Holy Ghost, And Jesus said out of our bellies shall flow rivers of living water. We carry the source within us of the Kingdom River of Life. LET IT FLOW!

Love those with whom you disagree, or whose lifestyles you can't accept. True love does not have to agree with all that a person does in order to love them. After all, Jesus loved us while we were yet sinners, so much so that he died for them! There's no greater love! God LOVES sinners, and HATES NO ONE.

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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