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Old 05-28-2008, 05:48 PM
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Re: William Branham 11 minute Filmed Interview

Originally Posted by Dr. Vaughn View Post
Did Jesus not say... if their not against us their for us?

Why do you guys seem to literally hate this brother? What did he ever do to you? So, he had ideas that were outside the main stream, he still countless good in his life,, helped millions of people... and brought to millions to Christ.. over 40,000 in one service alone.,., with the Acts 2:38 message... what is the personal hate about?

Not everyone here would attack you, some of us shrug our shoulders and would consider you a brother in Christ without having to push you away. I don't believe the Branhamite view of dispensationism but thats a 2ndary issue. As long as you don't add to the gospel and teach that I have to be submitted to or baptized in a branhamite church/structure I have no problem calling you a brother and fellowshipping with you.

And yes, with the exception of dispensationalism we do teach a very close message and both contain the gospel. And for those preparing their guns this is me speaking and I dont speak for the AWCF in any capacity, way, or with any authority so don't tar and feather them.. save your venom for the Ethopia threads.

Also I dont agree with serpent seed doctrine, but then again you may not agree with my view of the Pauline gospel and how it ties into what we call standards of holiness (which changes from church to church which makes it... umm... non-standard actually..) ... so I can disagree on what we disagree about and agree with what we agree about and eat fried chicken at a buffet.. all very Pentecostal... or Apostolic... or Spirit filled Jesus Name Christian.. or whatever the label
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