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Old 10-15-2007, 06:12 AM
Bruce Klein

Posts: n/a
Biblical Healing - WHEN?

Those who came to Jesus were healed!

Jesus healed those who were His followers, and He healed those who were not His followers. The point is He healed believers and unbelievers. In China and Africa, Jesus healed those I laid hands on instantly, now. In China, one of the main problems is eyesight. All who came with eyesight problems were healed. In Africa, all who came with malaria problems were healed. In the USA, people have reasons why Jesus won’t heal them. They have been taught by religious people excuses as to why Jesus won’t heal them. Some reasons given by the religious for a person not being healed are - sin in a person's life, the person lacks faith, the sickness is from God teaching the the person a lesson, etc.

The purpose of the study on healing at my new website is to tear down any stronghold that is keeping you from your healing.

Another excuse of those who lack faith is ‘you must wait until Jesus decides to heal you’. They lack faith and knowledge for healing, so you should stay away from their poison!

You should go to Jesus expecting to be healed now.

How can you go to Jesus? You can pray to Jesus asking to be healed. You can go to someone who has Jesus in him/her asking them to minister healing to you. Either way, you are going to Jesus expecting to be healed, now – today!

For further studies on healing, you may wish to view my new ‘Healing School’ website. The site is not finished.

In Jesus,
Brother Bruce

PS. My 'Encyclopedia on Biblical Healing' lists 54 ways Jesus heals in the New Covenant. The book is used in the seminaries. Another book is ‘How to Minister Healing’.
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