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Old 02-26-2007, 05:18 PM
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Neck Neck is offline
"It's Never Too Late"

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Originally Posted by crakjak View Post
How many of you believe that you are a more worthy candidate for salvation than Hitler was?

Bear in mind that, unlike Hitler, none of us here have the power of a modern state at our disposal, so the amount of harm we can do is in that sense limited by the grace of God.

If we get angry with someone in this forum, for example, we might say something nasty, but we are in no position to send the Gestapo after the person who offends us. Nor are we in a position, such as Hitler was, where our own weaknesses and prejudices can easily be transformed into political terror. The same weaknesses and prejudices may in fact be there, but we do not have available to us the same means of expressing them that Hitler had available to him.

"Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely," said Lord Acton. But few of us have experienced even the temptations of political power, much less the temptations of "absolute" tyrannical power.

So how many here are utterly confident that in Hitler's precise circumstances you would have come off any better than he did?

Just wondering.

By: T. Talbott
I guess at Judgement day the Lord God would say off to hell you devil..
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