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Old 05-20-2008, 02:10 AM
NW Pastor NW Pastor is offline
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Re: Dottie Rambo's Funeral

Originally Posted by PastorRobbieB View Post
Your comments are the prime example of the spirit of a Pharisee! I was raised in UPC and was actually an evangelist for a number of years and a member for 36 years. There are some wonderful people in the UPC, but there are far too many of your kind. Self-righteous, hypocritical, Pharisee! You preach long sleeves, long skirts, long hair on women... That's your righteousness and your lousy description of holiness... However, what you really need is to put that long, judgmental tongue on the altar and allow the Lord to trim it up and get control of it. I was raised in the oneness movement and preached it for many years, but today I too am a "Trinitarian". You don't even understand what that word means. It doesn't mean three Gods. The Word is clear that there is only ONE LORD! However, He is eternally existent in three essences. I know that I will be banished from this site because of the things that I'm saying, but I'll say them regardless, because they're the truth. Salvation is not in your man-made formulas, works and religion, but it's in the Cross of Christ PERIOD! It's all about His Grace and your faith!

I'm so sorry to be writing all of this on a thread about the late great Miss Dottie Rambo who, I believe with all of my heart, is in the presence of the Great Savior that she wrote and sang about for so many years and she's touring her brand new heavenly home at this very moment. I just get so sick of the ignorance of so many of your kind of people who think that Heaven's reserved just for you and your legalistic group who thinks that you can work your way to Heaven. Your works will not get you one foot off of the ground. It's only the works of Jesus Christ and nothing more. The way that you look or are baptized will not save you or cause you to be lost. It will simply be based upon whether or not you were washed in the Blood of Christ by faith Period.

Well, I've wasted enough time and to all of the good people on here, please forgive my harsh comments. I just get sick and tired of hearing these sorts of ignorant goofs acting like they went to the Cross for the world and now they're the judge. God bless you all!

Pastor Robbie
Glad you got all that off your chest. You feel better?

A couple of points, as it is late and I am ready for bed.

1. Paul thought long hair on women was pretty important. He included it it the same chapter as the communion. Do you think communion is pretty important?

2. There are legalists, true. However, faith and works are inseparable. Both exist as a function of one another. Faith, regardless of how vehemently or forcefully declared, without the accompaning works, is, well, um..... it's dead, I guess. Oh, yeah. That's in the Bible too.

3. The sinner's prayer is recited by millions. Man made as far as I can tell.

4. Lastly, not to split hairs, (not a refrence to point 1) but I can't find where there is a statement that says only "It will simply be based upon whether or not you were washed in the Blood of Christ by faith" followed by a period.

There is so much more to read. 27 whole books in the NT alone (that's if we throw out all those archaic OT books) by last count. I wonder why all that is there, if your one sentence, followed by that great PERIOD, is all that is required?

I guess God is somewhat of a rambler, like some preachers. He just keeps talking about all of these totally irrelevant things like holiness, godliness, fruitfulness, baptism, tounges, following Christ, forsaking sin, having the spirit of Christ, pressing toward the mark, abstaining from fleshly lusts, blah, blah, blah, blah...... Let's just tune him out, like we do that rambling preacher. Just holler "amen" every once in a while, just to show him you are listening. Oh, wait, yelling "amen" might be construed as a work. Not necessary. Sorry, I'm rambling!

I hope you are enoying your liberty. You probably paid a high price for it. For only those who follow peace and holiness really see God.

As for Dottie, I love her songs. I sincerely hope she made it, as I hope I will.
Never Waver
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