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Old 11-14-2017, 01:20 AM
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Esaias Esaias is offline
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Re: Pre trib rapture teaching is heresy

If you notice, the rapture cult is actually a FEAR BASED MIND CONTROL CULT, that induces people to SIN AGAINST CHRIST and DENY THE FAITH.

I will prove it.

Look at what has been presented as one of the chief arguments in favor of rapturism: FEAR OF WHAT'S COMING. Rapturism does not promote the fear OF GOD, but rather the fear of man, the fear of death, the fear of "what's coming", the fear of suffering, and the fear of persecution.

in Luke 12:4-5 Jesus warns us not to fear men, but to fear God. Rapture cultists seek to instill in you the fear of men, the "Antichrist", and the horrible persecutors who will be running rampant during the "great tribulation." Rapturism seeks to get you to disobey Jesus and fear men.

Hebrews 2:15 says our Lord came to deliver us who were captive to the devil because of the fear of death. Rapturism wants you to fear dying a horrible death, and thus deny the Saving Grace of Jesus Christ.

Luke 21:6 describes men's hearts failing them for fear because of what they EXPECT to come upon the earth. But who are the fearful ones? The unregenerate sinners! Hebrews 10:26-27 shows that it is the SINNERS who fear coming judgments, not sanctified believers. Pre trib rapturism wants you to have no genuine faith, but to be afraid like sinners (see Isaiah 33:14).

2 Timothy 2:12 says if we suffer with Him we shall reign with Him. Rapture cultists want you to shrink from suffering, to ROB YOU OF THE OPPORTUNITY TO REIGN WITH CHRIST. We have been CALLED TO SUFFER according to 1 Peter 2:20-21, and rapturism is a religion that offers a different "call", a call to escape suffering. It is not of God.

2 Timothy 3:12 declares that ALL who will live godly in Christ SHALL BE PERSECUTED. It is something ALL Christians are to expect. But rapturism offers a Christianity that will save you FROM PERSECUTION! It's message is the EXACT OPPOSITE of original apostolic Christianity.

Jesus said we must take up our cross and die to self. We must lose our lives for His sake. But if we try to save our life, we WILL LOSE IT. Rapturism presents a scary, frightening view of the future, focusing on the persecution (if the saints are gone, who's being persecuted???) and tribulation, suffering and death. Then once you are good and scared, they offer the " Rapture™" as your escape hatch, your getaway car. They lead your mind away from the proper Biblical attitude, and lead you into a self-centered self-seeking "save my hide" mentality. They want you to DENY THE CROSS. Why does pre trib rapture doctrine result in an effectual DENIAL OF THE CROSS? Because it is OF SATAN.

This is classic fear-based mind control cultic behavior. Scare you as much as possible, but not a fear of GOD! No, a fear of the future, death, suffering, persecution. A fear of everything GOD TOLD YOU NOT TO FEAR.

Who would come up with such a Christ-denying, cross insulting, faith killing religion? THE DEVIL, that's who.

"Believe pre trib rapture because the alternative is too scary for you to think about." Straight out of the Jehovah's (False)Witnesses playbook.
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