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Old 01-18-2021, 07:23 AM
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Re: False Prophecies Everywhere, not just Charisma

Originally Posted by mont.preterist View Post
Oh they are at it again.

In a major Texas area, where a certain general superintendent used to pastor, they are making very specific proclamations and prophecies that Jesus is getting ready to come back any day now.

The pastors of churches in that area have banded together and in that area there are THOUSANDS of supposedly oneness pentecostals involved total.

Almost every service there are tongues and interpretations and words of prophecy going out that go similar to this.

"Yeah, get ready, I am coming sooooooon!", or "The end is here, I am getting ready to come in the clouds!"

Now, I do have a problem with this as it feels like 1988. Some of you youngsters weren't around then but let me tell you, false prophecies were running rampant. Large churches of the underprivileged children were being deceived and were prophesying that it was the end, T and I were going out in every service, people were running out and getting in debt because Jesus was coming in September and they weren't going to have to pay back what they were borrowing... feels like it again!

The problem with believing in a pretrib rapture is what we are seeing! The error of this breeds false prophecies and false T and I!!!

What are they going to do when NOTHING happens? When there is not rapture and when their false prophecies go belly up?

This happened in 88 and 89! There were many people then that made bad decisions based upon bad estachology and bad teachings on prophecy and quit church!

We want to hold the false prophets accountable in the charismatic world but what about the false prophets in the oneness pentecostal world? Who is holding them accountable?

Is there going to be a mass exodus out of those churches? We saw people lose out in 88 and 89, y2k, 2001, and etc and etc! Where is the outcry over the false prophets now?
Can you verify about the Oneness people making these prophecies? Or are we talking from hearsay? Any particular leader among Oneness leading the charge?
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