Originally Posted by Esphes45
I'm waiting on God to direct my path.
I'm going to tell you due to my experience in my old church I'm very careful about going to any church again. I visited a church awhile back and because I what I know is right I'm picking over everything with a fine tooth comb. I'm not going to make excuses for a church just so I feel comfortable there. I'm not trying to waste my time.
Please be careful. I know personally of whole families that were hurt by a church (and it was by very definition a cult!). Instead of being handled easy with "kid gloves" so to speak, they ended up under another authoritarian preacher.
They're now out of church, as worldly as worldly can get and sadly, unless God intervenes, they're probably on their way to hell.
There's a reason we are told to assemble the more as you see the day approaching(
Hebrews 10:25). We as the body need one another more than most of us are willing to admit. I hope your search ends in a truth telling church somewhere soon.