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08-23-2013, 03:44 PM
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Re: Toward an apostolic Systematic Theology
So is this an internet forum? Where can we get to it?
08-23-2013, 03:56 PM
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 5,406
Re: Toward an apostolic Systematic Theology
Sound like lots of writing and arguing and elitism but no demonstration of the power of God. Sad really. The New Testament Church's demonstration of power is almost non-existent.
When you can demonstrate the power of God I'll start listening to your theological view. Until then, you only have a religious philosophy which results in a life little different than the 'world'.
08-23-2013, 04:05 PM
Go Dodgers!
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Re: Toward an apostolic Systematic Theology
Speaking of elitism....
Let it be understood that Apostolic Friends Forum is an Apostolic Forum.
Apostolic is defined on AFF as:
- There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
- The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
- Every sinner must repent of their sins.
- That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
- That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
- The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
08-23-2013, 04:10 PM
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 5,406
Re: Toward an apostolic Systematic Theology
Originally Posted by Praxeas
Speaking of elitism....
Yes...go on......
08-26-2013, 07:17 AM
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Re: Toward an apostolic Systematic Theology
Your post was dripping with it. I thought Prax's point was pretty clear.
08-26-2013, 07:47 AM
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Re: Toward an apostolic Systematic Theology
Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
So is this an internet forum? Where can we get to it?
books..you can order them at advance ministries bookstore
08-26-2013, 12:05 PM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 31,124
Re: Toward an apostolic Systematic Theology
Originally Posted by Esaias
In any event, if one were to develop an apostolic systematic theology, suitable for both students of ministry (aspiring preachers, teachers, theologians, etc) as well as 'lay people' (I hate that term), what would be the suggested topics and their order?
I have a systematic theology that I have embraced as a result of my studies. Here it is... I call it the Apostolic Order of Redemption:
1. Election (God's choice of people to be saved in accordance to foreknowledge)
2. Propitiation (Christ's satisfying the Law and God's wrath against the sins of the Elect)
3. Atonement (Christ's work of covering the sins of the Elect)
4. The Gospel call (Receiving the message of the gospel through Prevenient Grace)
5. Conversion (faith, repentance, repentance, water baptism, Spirit baptism)
6. Justification (right legal standing)
7. Regeneration (being born again/one spirit with the Lord)
8. Adoption (membership in God's family)
9. Sanctification (growing in Christlikeness)
10. Perseverance (remaining under the blood as a Christian)
11. Death (going to be with the Lord)
12. Glorification (receiving a resurrection body in sinless perfection) The above is essentially how I approach salvation through a systematic approach. In my system of theology there are also many sub categories. For example under point 4 (The Gospel Call) I emphasize that there is both an "outer calling" (the preached Word) and an "inner calling" (the drawing of the Holy Ghost). Both must be taking place for a believer to be born again. Sometimes men hear the outer calling of the Gospel and want to respond with their natural mind without the inner calling of the Spirit. These are those who "repent", and might even be baptized, but never receive the Holy Ghost or receive the Holy Ghost much later. God isn't drawing them at that time. They can only come to the Son as the Father leads them. Other sub topics can be found throughout. This was just an example.
I hope it helps.
Last edited by Aquila; 08-26-2013 at 12:13 PM.
08-26-2013, 12:11 PM
Go Dodgers!
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 45,787
Re: Toward an apostolic Systematic Theology
Theology, Christology, Soteriology, Ecclesiology and Eschatology
Let it be understood that Apostolic Friends Forum is an Apostolic Forum.
Apostolic is defined on AFF as:
- There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
- The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
- Every sinner must repent of their sins.
- That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
- That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
- The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
08-26-2013, 12:17 PM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 31,124
Re: Toward an apostolic Systematic Theology
A theological treatise would focus on a strict monotheistic Oneness of God.
A Christological treatise would properly define the incarnation with emphasis on Christ's humanity and how it relates to the indwelling divinity of God Himself.
A Soteriological treatise would be like the "Apostolic Order of Redemption" that I presented above.
Ecclesiology would focus on the body of Christ. What it is. The role of elders. The gifts of the Spirit and it's divine mission.
Eschatology would focus on prophecies of the end times in accordance to the author's point of view with brief explanations of alternative interpretations as it relates to Apostolic Pentecostal Christianity.
Last edited by Aquila; 08-26-2013 at 12:27 PM.
08-26-2013, 12:19 PM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 31,124
Re: Toward an apostolic Systematic Theology
Here's an eschatological interpretation I've considered and I'll share it here to see what some of your thoughts are on it:
The Revelation:
Chapter 1 Vision Begins
Chapters 2-3 The Seven Church Ages (Seven Church Ages)
A.) Ephesus--30 A.D. (approximately the date of Pentecost) to 161 A.D. or so (the beginning of severe and intense persecution that didn't let up until Constantine gave his edict of toleration, after which the Christians were no longer persecuted).
B.) Smyrna--161 A.D. the beginning of severe persecution under Marcus Arilius' reign as emperor to 313 A.D. Constantine's edict of toleration.
C.) Pergamos--313 A.D. Edict of toleration to 606 A.D. when the Roman papacy was firmly entrenched as the leader of the church.
D.) Thyatira--606 A.D. to 1517 A.D. This is the time of the full power of the Papacy-- the midnight hour for the church when it was in the grossest period of darkness. 1517 A. D. was the date when Martin Luther tacked up his thesis on the door of the church in Whitenburg, which was the marked beginning of the Reformation.
E.) Sardis--1517 A.D. to 1900 A.D. This is the period of the Reformation until the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the USA.
F.) Philadelphia--1900 A. D. until the blessed hope, the Rapture. This encompasses the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the perfection of the church and the body of Christ coming to the unity of the Spirit and the unity of the faith and then the Rapture.
G.) Laodicea-- The Rapture to just before the 6th seal (which is when the last of the tribulation martyrs are killed) Rev. 6:9-11. This is a period of 3 ˝ years or 42 months. So it is from the out-translation of the manchild (Rev. 12:5) until the resurrection of the 2 witnesses, the martyrs of the tribulation.
Emphasis on Restorationism:
-Lutheran Church - AD 1517: Saw - Justification by faith...
-Presbyterian Church - Ad 1536: Saw - Communion as a Memorial...
-Congregational Church - AD 1580: Saw - Separation of Church and State...
-Baptist Church - AD 1609: Saw - Water Baptism by Immersion...
-Methodist Church - AD 1739: Saw - Personal Holiness...
-Christian Church - AD 1820: Saw - Baptism for Remission of Sins...
-Trinitarian Pentecostalism - AD 1900: Saw - Baptism of the Holy Ghost - Evidence: Speaking with Tongues as in Acts chapter 2 on the day of Pentecost…
-Restoration of Apostles Doctrine from 33 A.D. - AD 1914
The revelation of God in Christ (ONENESS), and the truth of baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins…
Chapter 4 Vision of Heaven
Chapter 5 The Lamb Takes the Scroll
A. Scroll is God’s writing of divorcement against Israel.
Chapter 6 The Seven Seals (Judgments on Jerusalem)
A. Fist Seal: Military Advances against Israel by Vespasian.
B. Second Seal: War against Jerusalem lead by Titus
C. Third Seal: Famine in Judea and food shortages during Roman Siege
D. Fourth Seal: Pestilence resulting from Famine and Roman Siege.
E. Fifth Seal: Cry of the Martyrs for judgment on Pharisaical Israel
F. Sixth Seal: Destruction of Jerusalem 70 AD.
G. Seventh Seal: Preparation for Trumpets (Judgments against Rome).
Chapter 7 The 144,000 and the Great Multitude (Advent of the Church Dispensation)
A. 144,000 First Fruits: First Century Jewish Christians who fled to Pella.
B. Innumerable Multitude: The Gospel’s harvest among the Gentiles
Chapter 8 The Seven Trumpets (Judgments on Roman Empire)
A. Seventh Seal: Preparation for Trumpets (Judgment upon Rome)
B. First Trumpet: Hoards of Goths destroy Roman Country sides 408-410
C. Second Trumpet: Vandals Raid Roman Sea Ports
D. Third Trumpet: Huns Raid Roman river ways.
E. Fourth Trumpet: Odoacer invades Rome
Chapter 9 Plague of Locusts (THE RISE OF ISLAM - 150 Year Jihad & Rise of the Turks)
A. Fifth Trumpet: Mohammad rises to Power. Saraceans wage war 612-762
B. Sixth Trumpet: Turks wage war 1281-1672 AD.
Chapter 10 The Angel and the Little Book
A. Sufferings of the Faithful
B. Seven Thunders: Unknown
Chapter 11 The Two Witnesses and the Pit Beast (Spirit and Power of Moses & Elijah, Revived Holy Roman Empire)
A. Two Witnesses: Spirit of the prophets operating in the Church Militant.
B. Pit Beast: Holy Roman Authorities
C. The 1,260 Days: 1,260 Years of Testimony under Holy Roman Oppression
D. Death of the Two Witnesses: The Church’s seeming defeat
E. Seventh Trumpet (The Resurrection): Apostolic Revival and Rapture at the end of days.
Chapter 12 The Woman in the Wilderness (Church Persecuted)
A. The Woman: God’s covenant people (Israel)
B. The Dragon: Pagan Rome (Satan)
C. Birth of the man child: Birth of Christ
D. Ascension of the man child: Christ’s ascension.
E. Fleeing Woman: God’s Covenant People (Now the Church, the Israel of God)
F. 1,260 Days fleeing in the wilderness: 1,260 Years of persecution
G. “Wings of a Great Eagle” given unto the Woman: Flight to the Americas for religious freedom.
H. Flood out of the Dragon’s mouth: Persecution (False Doctrine)
I. Earth Opens it’s mouth: Divine Assistance given to the Woman
Chapter 13 The Beast/False Prophet and 666 (The Holy Roman Empire/Papacy)
A. Beast from the Sea
B. Deadly wound: Fall of Rome 476 AD
C. Deadly Wound is healed (554 AD)
Revival of Ancient Rome (The Holy D. D. Roman Empire is born 554-1814 AD).
a. Seven Heads - Incarnations of the Beast
b. Ten Horns: (Imperial Circles)
i. Austrian
ii. Bavarian
iii. Burgundian
iv. Electoral Rhenish
v. Franconian
vi. Lower Rhenish Westphalian
vii. Lower Saxon
viii. Swabian
ix. Upper Rhenish
x. Upper Saxon
D. Given authority for 42 Months (1,260 days): Allowed to Rule for 1,260 Years (554 AD – 1814 AD)
E. Wages war against the Saints: Inquisitions and Persecutions.
F. Lamblike Beast: The Papacy
a. Horns Like a Lamb: Looks Christian
b. Speaks like a Dragon: False Doctrine (Trinitarianism/Catholicism)
c. Calls fire down from Heaven: False Miracles
d. Make an Image: Idolatry (Saint Worship)
e. Image Speaks: Demonic influence from idols (Lady of Fatima & others).
f. Causes all who will not worship idols to be put to death: Inquisitions.
g. Mark of the Beast: Symbolic of Submission to Papal Authority. MAY BE YET FUTURE WITH TECHNOLOGY
Chapter 14 The Harvest (Revival & Ingathering)
A. Angels preach the Gospel: Apostolic Revival
B. Harvest: Revival and/or Rapture
C. Winepress: God's Wrath against the wicked
Chapter 16 The Seven Vials (Final Sequence of Wrath)
A. First Vial: Global Pestilence
B. Second Vial: Global Bloodshed at sea or Global Pollution of Seas
C. Third Vial: Global Bloodshed upon waterways or Freshwater Pollution
D. Fourth Vial: Global Persecution and/or Global Warming
E. Fifth Vial: Global Spiritual Darkness and Mental Distress
F. Sixth Vial: Global War centered in the Middle East (Islam)
G. Seventh Vial: Opening of Judgment on Babylon (the world's system)
Chapter 17 The Eighth Beast and Harlot (Revived Holy Roman Empire/Papacy)
A. Eight Beast: Revived Holy Roman Empire (Modern Europe and Western Powers)
B. Harlot (Ecumenical Movement headed by Papacy)
Chapter 18 The Judgment of the Great Harlot:
A. “Come out of her my people” (Admonition to obey the Gospel or possibly the Rapture)
B. Collapse of Papal power in the Holy Roman Empire and/or Destruction of the City: Destruction of Vatican City (Papacy)
Chapter 19 The Return of Christ On a White Horse (Christ Returns Unexpectedly)
Chapter 20 The Millennium (Christ Rules the Millennial Kingdom for 1,000 years) and Final Judgment.
Chapter 21 The New Jerusalem (The Eternal State)
Chapter 22 Closing Visions
Olivet Discourse:
Luke 21:1-23 The First Century Persecutions Woes and Judgment on Jerusalem.
Luke 21:24-36 Brief Synopsis of the Entire Church Age Culminating in Christ’s Return.
Matthew 24:1-22 The First Century Persecutions Woes and Judgment on Jerusalem.
Matthew 24:23-51 Brief Synopsis of the Entire Church Age Culminating in Christ’s Return.
Pauline Son of Perdition:
II Thessalonians 2:3-8 The "son of perdition" is the Papacy asserting itself and sitting in the "temple of God" (the Church) saying that he is God (or the Vicar of Christ) on Earth.
Last edited by Aquila; 08-26-2013 at 12:36 PM.
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