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Old 05-27-2007, 03:18 PM
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Time Bombs In Our Midst

One out of four young U.S. Muslims believe suicide bombings against innocent civilians are OK to defend Islam, a disturbing new poll revealed yesterday. The nationwide survey - one of the most exhaustive ever conducted of American Muslim attitudes - also found widespread doubt that Islamic terrorists carried out the 9/11 attacks. Note, ironic they support killing innocents yet deny Muslims had anything to do with 9/11

But at the same time, three out of four U.S. Muslims are worried about the rise of Islamic extremism around the world - and more than 60 percent are "very concerned" it will grow in America. Note, even Muslims are aware of the problem of Radical Islam growing in their ranks
The survey - revealing possible radicalization of homegrown American Muslim youth - included more than 1,000 of the nation's estimated 2.35 million Muslims and was conducted in English and several foreign languages

The most shocking responses came when those surveyed were asked whether suicide bombings and other violence against civilians can be justified "in order to defend Islam from its enemies."

Thirteen percent said it can be justified, at least on rare occasions.
Among those under age 30, that 13 percent doubled to 26 percent.
Young New York Muslims questioned yesterday said attacks on innocent victims are wrong.

But they said they can understand why foreign Muslims would sacrifice their lives against soldiers in conditions they consider "war."

The relatively high poll support for suicide attacks deeply worried many experts yesterday.

"It is a hair-raising number," said Radwan Masmoudi, president of the Washington-based Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy.
The poll question didn't specify whether the suicide bombings being asked about would be in the United States or in other countries.

Among the poll's other disturbing findings was that only 40 percent of U.S. Muslims believe that Arabs carried out the 9/11 attacks. Another 28 percent don't believe it - and 32 percent said they had no view.

Among 28 percent who doubted that Arabs were behind the conspiracy, one-fourth claim the U.S. government was responsible.
Only 26 percent of American Muslims believe the U.S.-led war on terror is a sincere effort to root out international terrorism.

When it comes to U.S. military operations, three out of four people surveyed said the decision to go to war in Iraq was wrong - and 48 percent said using force in Afghanistan was wrong.

The poll found homegrown support for al Qaeda. Five percent of those surveyed had a "very favorable" or "somewhat favorable" view of the terrorist group. But 58 percent had a "very unfavorable" opinion

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Old 05-27-2007, 04:36 PM
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What's that I hear....is it the sound of a trumpet?
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Old 05-27-2007, 08:41 PM
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Originally Posted by ManOfWord View Post
What's that I hear....is it the sound of a trumpet?
Don't you reckon it's gonna get worse before it get's better?
Psa 119:165 (KJV) 165 Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.

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Old 05-27-2007, 08:47 PM
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Wasn't it Bush that said Islam was a "peaceful" religion?
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Old 05-28-2007, 03:13 AM
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Originally Posted by BrotherEastman View Post
Wasn't it Bush that said Islam was a "peaceful" religion?
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