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Old 10-30-2007, 12:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Ichabod View Post
Could it be that many of the regrets is because they have hurt their brothers? Not that they regret the vote. I think most will really say that they don't want these brothers leaving. It will hurt, but it is a choise not a requirement for these people to leave.
I agree. I think a lot of the moderate brethern love their conservative brethern and honestly hate to see them leave. However I am not sure they are still willing to let the conservatives will dictate what everybody else does just to keep them on board. That day seems to have passed with this vote.
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Old 10-30-2007, 01:38 AM
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Originally Posted by BoredOutOfMyMind View Post
This view is not the same on a national basis Prax, but the wounds were felt around the world.
I think it's irrational. Wounds? Wounds are when you find out your wife is sleeping with another man.

It's far far too much like the world to play the victim card. And to be sure the UPC like other church orgs have been reflecting the world. It's not about TV. It's not about dress. The world is the attitude.

We built our own "family" traditions, demanded everyone else follow them, then feel insulted when someone rejects them.

I've seen it happen on a local level when someone leaves our church because of standards.The church members feel insulted. It's the same feeling that causes Muslims to hack a family member to pieces for rejecting Islam for another religion. The tradition and the religion itself became more important than they should be. They became paradigms and eventually became "law"...
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Old 10-30-2007, 01:54 AM
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Very rhetorical first post. ...not in any way negating it's nature.

Irrellevant, I know. Carry on!

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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Old 10-30-2007, 02:11 AM
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Originally Posted by NLYP View Post
I love you...and I know you love me....
What has happened will turn out to be a very healthy thing for ALL involved.
It will NEVER be reversed...there is no turning back.
Attitude will be our altitude!

The far right has wanted their own thing for years....
They could not get elected in, so they feel its best to move on....

MOST of what we are seeing is political jockeying.....for positions.....positions they could have not gotten had they stayed in

I love these men and wish them well...BUT...the future of the United Pentecostal Church is brighter then it has ever been...from the merger of 1945 to present...WE have never been more poised to win the lost and impact our world.

Just sit back,,,take a deep breath...keep winning Conroe...BUT watch...you will see...its gonna be great!

My Respect

Bro. Dan
Dan you hit a home run on this one! You'll NEVER get any admission to this but truely, that sums it up in a nut shell. It was always be in the name of "standing for Truth" when in reality, most of it is a fight for power for most.

I told you all there was a split coming 4-5 years ago but you laughed and scorned me - I knew i was right because i saw it develop before my very eyes.

There is a shaking going on Everywhere, in every Apostolic organization and really, in all of christiandom.

look for some major things to be uncovered in the years to come. scoff if you want to but I will be right about it in the end and it will be those who proclaim to be most holy holy. unforunatley, a lot of laity that put their faith in Men will be hurt and disollusioned of course. But who can tell them anything at this point? you just have to let it runs its course
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Old 10-30-2007, 02:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
I think it's irrational. Wounds? Wounds are when you find out your wife is sleeping with another man.

It's far far too much like the world to play the victim card. And to be sure the UPC like other church orgs have been reflecting the world. It's not about TV. It's not about dress. The world is the attitude.

We built our own "family" traditions, demanded everyone else follow them, then feel insulted when someone rejects them.

I've seen it happen on a local level when someone leaves our church because of standards.The church members feel insulted. It's the same feeling that causes Muslims to hack a family member to pieces for rejecting Islam for another religion. The tradition and the religion itself became more important than they should be. They became paradigms and eventually became "law"...
That's some good points, there Prax.
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Old 10-30-2007, 05:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Pastor Poster View Post
Hmm, Bro Smith thinks the only way healing can come is to capitulate to those who are leaving. Somehow that seems wrong to me.
You noticed that too, eh?

When these guys are on the losing end, they play the "victim" card like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton play the "race" card.

Back in those long-ago days of the fifties, at the height of the Cold War, when Soviet Communism was the big booger-bear, Richard Nixon was seeking advice before his historic trip to Moscow when he was Vice President to meet Khruschev.

He received this advice from (I believe) a dying Christian Herter, former Secretary of State, who said:

"The Communists keep probing as long as they encounter mush. Only when they finally encounter steel do they back off."

The radical conservative movement in the UPC has encountered mush the last 30 years or so and has kept pushing and probing.

Finally, in Tampa, they encountered steel.

So yes, like Al and Jesse, now is the time to play the "victim" card.
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Old 10-30-2007, 06:38 AM

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Originally Posted by rkentsmith View Post

The United Pentecostal Church Needs a Healer

Shocked silence filled the conference when the announcement was made….

The resolution passed….

Those there, will never forget the sudden vacuum….

Time only will tell what really happened in that moment….

Some declare Ichabod…..

Others Revival….

I personally feel our movement was swept with a spirit of confusion….

We all have been confused since the vote….

We have all grieved….


Such a decision will not be without consequence….

The consequence may well be more painful than any really understood….

Unity has been called for….

Global Impact desired….

But now division is greater than ever….

Now we hear of a great convocation in Tulsa…..

Great men from the east coast are leaving….

Great men from the west are leaving….

Great men from the south as well….

Great men from all over…..


Will the UPCI loose 100 ….500….1000….

Or more….

Now, many men who favored the resolution realize that those leaving had promised to do so before the vote….

The leavers are only keeping promises….

I have not heard from any who regret voting No…

I have heard from many who regret voting Yes…

“If we had only known”, one said an hour ago….

Brethren it appears there will be a major exodus…..

Sadly all will suffer…

I have come to a new conclusion today…

We need a healer…

Blessed are the peacemakers….

The United Pentecostal Church Needs A Healer….


Some are saying the 2000 seat convention center in Tulsa will not be large enough…

What if such predictions are true and we see over 1000 UPCI credentialed men make some sort of commitment to leave….

The UPCI will suffer greatly….

The United Pentecostal Church Needs A Healer….

If indeed unity is a mandate….

Then should not unity come from World Evangelism Center….

Indeed the United Pentecostal Church Needs A Healer….

General Superintendent Haney….

Lead the way to healing….

Go to Tulsa and tell the brethren you will lead the charge in reversing Tulsa’s decision….

Pastor Mangun….

Use your platform this year at Because of the Times to help heal the UPCI….

Without a healer….

We are divided and weakened….

Two organizations will never be united….

Rather both….


The United Pentecostal Church Needs A Healer….

Is there a voice….

Is there a man …..

Who can stand and serve as healer….

Somewhere within the UPCI is a man with a voice who is able to help bring healing….

Will the leadership come from WEC….

The General Superintendent….

The General Secretary….



Home or Foreign Missions….

Indeed the UPCI must have a healer from within….

The healing will not come from those convening in Tulsa….

The course they choose was selected for them….


The United Pentecostal Church International Needs a Healer….

Thanks to this post, there aren't enough periods for the rest of us to use for the next three days
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Old 10-30-2007, 06:47 AM
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Originally Posted by BoredOutOfMyMind View Post
Interesting you state "missing some key points" then you castigate the conservative side.

What of the Moderates who really had reservations about this ordeal prior also and feel now on a sinking island?

It needs a strong voice and there needs to be a healing for all involved.
That is true.As a moderate what are we to do? Without the conservative voice the pendulum will only swing more liberal and charismatic.
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Old 10-30-2007, 07:16 AM

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Originally Posted by TRIPLE E View Post
That is true.As a moderate what are we to do? Without the conservative voice the pendulum will only swing more liberal and charismatic.
Actually, you are now the new ultra-con!
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Old 10-30-2007, 07:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Pastor Poster View Post
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Broadcast On Sunday Ministries
Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
You gotta help me and Easty out with this one... we're both "slow" guys.

BOSM and/or "Broadcast On Sunday Ministries" ???
Broadcast On Sunday Ministries.
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