Does anyone have the lyrics to "I Know God Is God"?
I know God is God, and God don't ever change, I know God is God, and Jesus is His name. I need the verses if anyone has them>
It's obvious that churches sung all different kinds of words. I'm not sure there is a 'proper' version.....LOL!
I agree totally I think I may have made up a verse or two when I was caught up in the spirit at church. I have done that on My Soul Says Yes too!!!! Actually, I do that a lot!! LOL!!! I add things that I think sound good!
I agree totally I think I may have made up a verse or two when I was caught up in the spirit at church. I have done that on My Soul Says Yes too!!!! Actually, I do that a lot!! LOL!!! I add things that I think sound good!
My former pastor's wife was good at making up words.
During one shockamoo service, we were singing 'The devil don't allow no shouting around here' (yes, it's a double negative song, I never did understand that!), and she was jamming on the organ. Soon, we heard strange words.
No, it wasn't the Holy Ghost. She was singing "Momma don't allow no shouting around here".
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
Could someone please tell me where I can find the ORIGINAL words to this song? I need a soundtrack for this so it can be sung at my church. I have been to two music stores and have been told that it is no longer in circulation because it is so old. I need to know who sang it or who wrote it. Please HELP !