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Mormonism 101 Discuss Mormon doctrine, history, and practice

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Old 06-13-2014, 07:53 AM
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Re: Do They Really Believe This?

Originally Posted by anon5 View Post
I'm new here so hello to everyone. This thread caught my eye because I am a mormon. I was baptized into the church about six months ago. Before then, my family and I had been searching for a church to call home. But it seened like they all had the newage rockstar thing going on. I have nothing against such juvenile behavior if it helps one's walk with God,but it didn't help me and I grew tired of it. Sort of a putting away of childish things. I was a member of an apostolic church about ten yrs before. Anyway that's my history.

I joined the mormon church for a very simple reason: I saw how they treated one another. I'm not sure why they are considered a cult, and many of the things I read here are stuff I've never heard come from them at all. So many claim to be the "truth" but in all my searchings, they were the only ones who impressed me with what they were willing to do for others.
Friend, having been raised around Mormons, (My family on my dad's side are devout mormons) and having a heritage of mormonism (My anscestors came with Brighams Boys) I do encourage you to study the Mormon faith just a little deeper.

Very few, and I mean very few, people join because of the doctrine of mormonism. They get in because of the social programs, either bishops storehouse helping them, or because of the so called family focus, or because in Utah it helps them politically.

The problem with Mormonism is that it is demonic in origin.

Mormons lead the state of Utah, have a lot of control in Nevada, are very influential in Wyoming and Montana, control much of what goes on in Idaho, and power is their thing.

The problem with that is the spiritual side. They have tapped into another spirit that is not God's spirit.

Utah leads the nation in depression, suicides, prescription drugs for depression, misuse of pain killers, and many other areas relating to the mind.

For all their issues about family they have huge problems in that area.

Sexual abuse and incest is rampant in Utah. Huge huge problem. Course this goes back to Uncle Joe's teaching on polygamy and the spirit he introduced and followed. And yes, that is still believed today, even among the mainstream mormons. There are many that are just waiting for the official word to get another wife. This is not TIC. This is life here in Utah.

There are approx 40 - 50 thousand polygamist in the west, stretching from Arizona all the way up to the canadian border. Canada has their own seperate population of them as does Mexico.

This is a part of their doctrine and Uncle Joe made it salvational for their third heaven.

Polygamists do not get prosecuted here in Utah or the surrounding states. It is accepted by both the civil and mormon authorities. The only time they get in trouble is when the marriage is forced and the girl is under 15. That is the only time.

The fundamentalists (polygamists) believe that the mainstream Mormons are compromisers as they have let down the stand that Joe Smith taught as salvational. The Mainstream lds are waiting for their chance to jump back in and the number of polygamists is growing every year.

This is the result of the perverted spirit that Joe got into. The lds church followed that and brought that spirit to utah.

The mind problems they face here is related to their following the spirit of witchcraft that Joe was hooked into in New York.

Witchcraft and Mormonism go hand in hand. If you ever get the chance you need to go to the Mormon temple in SLC. The origional one. Then occultic symbols, the mysticism, the masonic symbols, they are all open for the world to see.

You see, the Mormon church woos people in through their outward niceness and their social programs, yet most people do not know the spiritual oppression that is behind that religion. Very very controlling.

Be very careful, they will try to get you hooked into marrying someone who is a mormon, just another hook to control.

I have been dealing with these people for almost 50 years. This is one controlling and demonic religion.

We have quite a few people that have come out of that religion into truth. It takes prayer and deliverance for most because of the spiritual oppression that exists there.

God bless.

PM me if you want more info.
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Old 06-13-2014, 07:59 AM
anon5 anon5 is offline
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Re: Do They Really Believe This?

Originally Posted by shazeep View Post
That could not be further from the truth, wadr. All of your media is controlled, and bye largest arms dealers on the planet--your "Christian" leaders. And why do you call those Muslims, when Allah would clearly not claim them? Was Jim Jones a Christian? Was Hitler? Apparently. And "It is so passe and common its not even reported much anymore" is just comedy, sorry, to one who has been there. I feel safer in Egypt right now than i would in NYC...and i am exceedingly white. Yikes. We are deserving of everything coming, i am seeing...
Yes, but our govt and leaders don't do these things in the name of their religion. Neither did hitler, as cold an evil as he was. Now I can't deny Jim jones did, along with his followers. But it seems to me, that if anything, the media actually tries to go out of it's way to sugarcoat all the suicide bombings, while blowing out of proportion the behaviors if conservative christian types.
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Old 06-13-2014, 10:44 AM
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Re: Do They Really Believe This?

Originally Posted by shazeep View Post
That could not be further from the truth, wadr. All of your media is controlled, and by the largest arms dealers on the planet--your "Christian" leaders. And why do you call those Muslims, when Allah would clearly not claim them? Was Jim Jones a Christian? Was Hitler? Apparently. And "It is so passe and common its not even reported much anymore" is just comedy, sorry, to one who has been there. I feel safer in Egypt right now than i would in NYC...and i am exceedingly white. Yikes. We are deserving of everything coming, i am seeing...
How can you say this when the only way for a muslim to know for sure that they are going to paradise is to die in jihad?
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Old 06-13-2014, 11:37 AM
shazeep shazeep is offline

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Re: Do They Really Believe This?

well, really you are asking the wrong guy there--i would say that 'jihad' is surely misunderstood, as i believe this is supposed to be more a 'spiritual' jihad. as i read, the Beginning of Surahs makes plain that violence cannot be reconciled with the Qur'an; and i know many, many Muslims who don't seem to be too worried about not going to paradise. Again, i am persuaded that this apparent contradiction mirrors those found in Scripture, so that premises may be revealed, and the heart better seen.
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Old 06-13-2014, 11:59 AM
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Re: Do They Really Believe This?

Originally Posted by shazeep View Post
well, really you are asking the wrong guy there--i would say that 'jihad' is surely misunderstood, as i believe this is supposed to be more a 'spiritual' jihad. as i read, the Beginning of Surahs makes plain that violence cannot be reconciled with the Qur'an; and i know many, many Muslims who don't seem to be too worried about not going to paradise. Again, i am persuaded that this apparent contradiction mirrors those found in Scripture, so that premises may be revealed, and the heart better seen.
The later surahs condone violence.
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Old 06-13-2014, 01:41 PM
shazeep shazeep is offline

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Re: Do They Really Believe This?

ya, i read those; and it seemed so to me, too. again, i am not the guy to respond here, but i can say that i witnessed that their tv is much less violent than ours--or at least it was. also, the people were much less violent in general; their responses to others, etc. perhaps wii might enlighten us there, but in the absence of that i would reiterate that The Beginning of Surahs condemns violence in any form, word or deed, and that that is overriding. Again, possibly a purposeful conundrum, so that premises may be revealed? dunno. The Psalms advise you to bash babies heads in, too.
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Old 06-13-2014, 10:11 PM
anon5 anon5 is offline
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Re: Do They Really Believe This?

Originally Posted by TJJJ View Post
Friend, having been raised around Mormons, (My family on my dad's side are devout mormons) and having a heritage of mormonism (My anscestors came with Brighams Boys) I do encourage you to study the Mormon faith just a little deeper.

Very few, and I mean very few, people join because of the doctrine of mormonism. They get in because of the social programs, either bishops storehouse helping them, or because of the so called family focus, or because in Utah it helps them politically.

The problem with Mormonism is that it is demonic in origin.

Mormons lead the state of Utah, have a lot of control in Nevada, are very influential in Wyoming and Montana, control much of what goes on in Idaho, and power is their thing.

The problem with that is the spiritual side. They have tapped into another spirit that is not God's spirit.

Utah leads the nation in depression, suicides, prescription drugs for depression, misuse of pain killers, and many other areas relating to the mind.

For all their issues about family they have huge problems in that area.

Sexual abuse and incest is rampant in Utah. Huge huge problem. Course this goes back to Uncle Joe's teaching on polygamy and the spirit he introduced and followed. And yes, that is still believed today, even among the mainstream mormons. There are many that are just waiting for the official word to get another wife. This is not TIC. This is life here in Utah.

There are approx 40 - 50 thousand polygamist in the west, stretching from Arizona all the way up to the canadian border. Canada has their own seperate population of them as does Mexico.

This is a part of their doctrine and Uncle Joe made it salvational for their third heaven.

Polygamists do not get prosecuted here in Utah or the surrounding states. It is accepted by both the civil and mormon authorities. The only time they get in trouble is when the marriage is forced and the girl is under 15. That is the only time.

The fundamentalists (polygamists) believe that the mainstream Mormons are compromisers as they have let down the stand that Joe Smith taught as salvational. The Mainstream lds are waiting for their chance to jump back in and the number of polygamists is growing every year.

This is the result of the perverted spirit that Joe got into. The lds church followed that and brought that spirit to utah.

The mind problems they face here is related to their following the spirit of witchcraft that Joe was hooked into in New York.

Witchcraft and Mormonism go hand in hand. If you ever get the chance you need to go to the Mormon temple in SLC. The origional one. Then occultic symbols, the mysticism, the masonic symbols, they are all open for the world to see.

You see, the Mormon church woos people in through their outward niceness and their social programs, yet most people do not know the spiritual oppression that is behind that religion. Very very controlling.

Be very careful, they will try to get you hooked into marrying someone who is a mormon, just another hook to control.

I have been dealing with these people for almost 50 years. This is one controlling and demonic religion.

We have quite a few people that have come out of that religion into truth. It takes prayer and deliverance for most because of the spiritual oppression that exists there.

God bless.

PM me if you want more info.
I don't know anything about different abuses going on all the way in Utah. I dont live even close to it. I DO know that every religion has it's imperfect people. Even with apostolics. They also insist on marrying within their church. It's just good practice. I am not controlled in the least. I'm not told what clothes to wear, how to wear my hair, or even what I can wear when I swim. And everyone has their fringe groups.
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Old 06-13-2014, 10:28 PM
anon5 anon5 is offline
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Re: Do They Really Believe This?

Originally Posted by anon5 View Post
I don't know anything about different abuses going on all the way in Utah. I dont live even close to it. I DO know that every religion has it's imperfect people. Even with apostolics. They also insist on marrying within their church. It's just good practice. I am not controlled in the least. I'm not told what clothes to wear, how to wear my hair, or even what I can wear when I swim. And everyone has their fringe groups.
For example; a man I know of is currently pastoring a church where the original pastor preached against eyeglasses, watches, and doctors. At least one of his babies died because he wouldn't take his wife to the doctor when in labor. THAT'S demonic. But we ALL struggle because we are human. And it was a quite common belief then. Does that make apostolic doctrine demonic? No. I've encountered some pretty hateful things on here already and I won't respond in kind.

All I KNOW is how my life has been irreversably changed. I have a desire now to serve others whether it's to change a flat tire, clean vomit off a homeless drunk, or just BE there for comfort. I can't really describe the change. People need to know they are children of God, andthat he loves them.
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Old 06-13-2014, 10:37 PM
anon5 anon5 is offline
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Re: Do They Really Believe This?

In closing I need to say that if it is preferred I leave, then I'll go. I knew the site owners were apostolic but when I looked through the posts, it appeared as if a whole plethora of beliefs were represented. Also, I noticed some misconceptions, I felt needed cleared
Up. (Or did I already say that?)

That being said, I must say I'm a bit stunned at the venom coming from a poster.
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Old 06-14-2014, 01:26 AM
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Re: Do They Really Believe This?

Originally Posted by anon5 View Post
In closing I need to say that if it is preferred I leave, then I'll go. I knew the site owners were apostolic but when I looked through the posts, it appeared as if a whole plethora of beliefs were represented. Also, I noticed some misconceptions, I felt needed cleared
Up. (Or did I already say that?)

That being said, I must say I'm a bit stunned at the venom coming from a poster.
LOL. Get used to it. You will have your defenders and you will have your detractors. What we prize here most of all is ones ability to defend his beliefs in an intelligent way. We may disagree in the end but we will respect you for the valuable points you raise in our discussions on whatever the topic may be.

This forum is open to everyone. Atheists, muslims, mormans, catholics, and every other belief system in the world. You are welcome here just don't expect a bed of roses.
You better watch out before I blitzkrieg your thread cause I'm the Thread Nazi now!

Last edited by jfrog; 06-14-2014 at 01:28 AM.
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