Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
I see a great difference in this kind of praise than the Apostolic Churches I have been in. From the content of the song to the way the people worship. Admittedly I have not been in Apostolic Churches for so time so maybe they have changed.
Just as a matter of conversation I am saying I much prefer the Charismatic style. I came up through the Jesus Movement and then the Charismatic Movement so when I became Oneness I was disappointed at the praise and worship I saw compared to what I was used to.
Not saying its a big issue I just would like to be able to be in that kind of worship meetings again but in an Apostolic Church.
Yes sir... which is why I asked for the clarification. Thanks for your answer.
I too would love to be a part of a church that had this type of worship as a bigger part of the mix. The church we attend pretty much just stares at you if it isn't hoppin' & poppin' ninety to nothing. Not griping, complaining or criticizing... that's just the way it is.
I love songs like these that are worshipful and adoring and solicit those same reactions.
To look across a crowd of people just raising their hands in praise at the awe and wonder that their God is... that is an amazing event in my eyes.
BTW... there are apostolic churches that do sing songs like this... more and more all the time. Last week I was visiting in the NE Houston area and attended a UPC church in that area and they had similar songs. The service was simply wonderful.