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The Shopping Mall Find a great deal online? Share it here... Also the place to find links for consumer help sites, etc ...

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Old 02-11-2007, 05:49 PM
Pragmatist Pragmatist is offline
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Originally Posted by MrsMcD View Post
I drove a paid for vehicle for years but I had to much so much money into it that I might as well had a payment. I have a payment now and I also have peace of mind that my car will get me where I want to go.
I second the above. We have a Toyota and a Honda that we bought new because I was tired of dealing with cars that broke down constantly. My husband is completely deficient in car knowledge and it is worth the car payment to not have to deal with the problems.
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Old 09-15-2008, 07:37 PM
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Re: Car Payments

I have always driven used cars.

I bought my wife a new car in 2006 (She deserved it) on my birthday.

I rest easy knowing she is ok when on the road.

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Old 09-17-2008, 01:52 AM
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Re: Car Payments

This is a old thread , but if it is ok I to would like to post in it. I am totally against car payments . My bible tells me God wants us to be lenders not borrowers . I have not had a payment on my cars or houses for years .I set my goals that we would be debt free and stay that way . I do understand everyone is not as mechanically gifted as I am but everyone you are smart enough to find a good mechanic and have him inspect the vehicle you want to purchase . So what if it cost a little to have it looked at . Is it better to find a older car that has alot of life left in it and have no car payments or have the stress and hassle of car payments ? I have bought and repaired over 200 cars and am now trying to find other cars to help people to have good rides and no payments . Why is it everyone feels they have to have the newest car . They are a total waste of money . All while you are driving that vehicle with payments if it breaks down you still have payments and now a repair bill as well. The 1st month we became debt free my wife blew up the engine in her car just because she didn't want to stop . Of course I was fit to be tied when my son told me dad I kept telling her to stop . LOL but after I calmed down I put her in one of my trucks and bought a engine and had it installed and told her you know the good thing about all of this ? She said what ? I said we can write a check and go on .
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Old 09-17-2008, 08:15 PM
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Re: Car Payments

Originally Posted by electric.S10 View Post
This is a old thread , but if it is ok I to would like to post in it. I am totally against car payments . My bible tells me God wants us to be lenders not borrowers . I have not had a payment on my cars or houses for years .I set my goals that we would be debt free and stay that way . I do understand everyone is not as mechanically gifted as I am but everyone you are smart enough to find a good mechanic and have him inspect the vehicle you want to purchase . So what if it cost a little to have it looked at . Is it better to find a older car that has alot of life left in it and have no car payments or have the stress and hassle of car payments ? I have bought and repaired over 200 cars and am now trying to find other cars to help people to have good rides and no payments . Why is it everyone feels they have to have the newest car . They are a total waste of money . All while you are driving that vehicle with payments if it breaks down you still have payments and now a repair bill as well. The 1st month we became debt free my wife blew up the engine in her car just because she didn't want to stop . Of course I was fit to be tied when my son told me dad I kept telling her to stop . LOL but after I calmed down I put her in one of my trucks and bought a engine and had it installed and told her you know the good thing about all of this ? She said what ? I said we can write a check and go on .
Old? You must really live in the fast lane, the last post before your was two days ago.

As I said, my wife deserved it.

I have always driven used cars because I can repair them (That skill resides with more than a few).

But two years later when she fixes me a special dinner and kisses me and says, I love my car; thank you.... Son, I'm ready to get her another one LOL!!!!!!!!!!


Last edited by ronharvey; 09-17-2008 at 08:17 PM. Reason: Spelling correction.
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Old 09-17-2008, 08:18 PM
AmazingGrace AmazingGrace is offline
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Re: Car Payments

Originally Posted by ronharvey View Post
Old, you myst really live in the fast lane, the last post before your was two days ago.

As I said, my wife deserved it.

I have always driven used cars because I can repair them (That skill resides with more than a few).

But two years later when she fixes me a special dinner and kisses me and says, I love my car; thank you.... Son, I'm ready to get her another one LOL!!!!!!!!!!

What he is referring to by old is the post date before your first post on this thread LOL
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Old 09-17-2008, 08:21 PM
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Re: Car Payments

Originally Posted by AmazingGrace View Post
What he is referring to by old is the post date before your first post on this thread LOL
So, like me, you also sit in a tree branch and watch the replies to your posts!


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Old 09-17-2008, 11:57 PM
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Re: Car Payments

Actually brother I am glad you brought it back to life . I wish all my brothers and sisters in Christ were debt free . Amazing Grace is correct on my thoughts but it's all good .
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Old 01-17-2023, 12:49 AM
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Re: Car Payments

Hey brothers and sisters I am back!!!! Wait til you see my new post on this "OLD thread" LOL
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Old 01-17-2023, 03:41 AM
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This is still that!

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Re: Car Payments

Originally Posted by electric.S10 View Post
Hey brothers and sisters I am back!!!! Wait til you see my new post on this "OLD thread" LOL
Welcome back!

I'm driving a 2003 Honda Element and a 2016 Honda Fit, both run great!

Last edited by Amanah; 01-17-2023 at 04:44 AM.
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Old 01-17-2023, 12:11 PM
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Re: Car Payments

Cars don’t last anymore. I have been in the automotive field for nearly 30years. Recently I have been working on 2018’s with major engines issues with no fault of the owners. All the late model stuff have so much technology linked together with impossible emissions control laws that destroy the engines for the sake of fuel mileage and pollution control. Ironically I don’t think they are getting better fuel economy.
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