Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
OK, five, maybe seven. Eight if you included Don Freezing.
Hey, Russia might be shooting some ICBMs our way as an early Xmas present to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Maybe Joe Biden is the Antichrist/Beast. Does his or her name calculate out to 666? How about Putin? It was nice knowing all seven of you.
If you want, I can show...make Biden to be the Antichrist, as we all know the USA is the beast, but certainly Putin is the false prophet, as one of his stated positions is, not only to revive the Russian empire, but to strengthen the Russian church as well, so he is waging something of a holy war.
Follow me now, as this is basic eschatological interpretation 101. (futurist style)
Biden's name equals 5,040...get it?
Ok. Stay with me, as scripture clearly says, "in the last days, knowledge shall increase..." so that knowledge is present now!
So we take the number 5,040 and divide it by 666, and what do we get?
See where I'm going with this?
The answer is 7.56! Get it?
The tribulation is 7 years long, don't you see?
I know you may ask, well, the answer is 7.5, so what does that have to do with it?
Quite simple, (to those that have the "revelation")
What about the .5 years, or 6 months, you may ask?
Here it is.
John the baptist was SIX (6) MONTHS OLDER THAT JESUS! *POW...BOOM*
So there you have it.