Originally Posted by Pastor Poster
Moved here to plant a church.
Bro. Pastor Poster,
In time it will be evident if we were planted by the Father.
In Matt. Jesus said that every plant his Father had not planted
would be rooted up. If indeed it is the Father that planted, in time
a "righteous tree will spring up. And there will be "blooms" and then
in time there will be fruit. Fruit of righteousness, the planting of the
LORD. The fruit will be good.
If the Father did indeed plant the tree, even though when newly planted
it will struggle, in time those roots will grow down, deep, deep into the
earth. That tree knows it was the Father that planted it there. You will
have a difficult time uprooting the "tree" the Father has planted.
Psalm 1, gives a good look at the tree that has been planted by the
Father. He shall be like a tree, planted by the "rivers of water" That
tree is watered continually by the Holy Ghost (River of Life) Life-giving
Waters! (Makes me want to swim out deeper!) This tree bringeth forth
his fruit it its season. This trees leaves shall not wither and whatsoever
he doeth SHALL prosper. Tall, strong trees did not get that way overnight.
It takes time and patience because some little sprouts are going to be
coming forth from that tree and it will take time and patience to nurture
those "sprouts" which will in time become trees of righteousness also if
nurtured with love and patience and watered with prayerful tears! It takes
patience to stand still when you see so much going on all around you.
Trees running to and fro but going where! If you want to stand strong in
the Lord and in the power of HIS might, you're going to have to "be still
and KNOW" that He is God, and that He planted this tree.
Bro. Pastor Poster, be strong in the LORD and in the power of HIS