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Old 04-12-2007, 01:15 AM
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Sister Alvear Sister Alvear is offline
Sister Alvear

Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Brazil, SA
Posts: 26,996
wanted to write tonight

Dear Friends in the Homeland:

Tonight I returned from a beautiful service here in America. The spirit of the Lord was very strong and I rejoiced to feel God’s presence in such an awesome way. Yet another part of me felt heavy to think of so many that have never felt the presence of the Lord.

I have spent almost 40 years of my life on the other side of the world reaching out to earth’s less privileged ones.

In a country of over 189 million people, many people die every day. It breaks the heart of our Lord - and my heart - that many have never even heard the Good News that Jesus died for them and that He rose again. I am told that there are over 100 Indian tribes in Brazil that do not have a word of the gospel in their language.
The people of the heathen world are not just cold statistics. They are real living, breathing, ordinary people like you and me.
Every time you breathe, a poor lost, untold, heathen soul struggles for his last breath, and sinks into eternal darkness, alone without hope and without God. Every minute many, many souls go out into eternity. Billions have never heard the sound of church bells. Every time the pendulum of your clock swings, someone that is ignorant of Christ's redemption grasps in hopeless despair as the curtains of death enshroud another heathen soul, taking him into eternity without God. Since we make up a part of the half of the world that has heard the Gospel, we are debtors to the other half, who have never heard.

I need your prayers as I sometimes think it is more than I can bear to feel the weight of the lost souls who need so much to hear about Jesus. Without prayer support our work is vastly dangerous and complicated. We face obstacles you never face in the U.S. Our life is always in constant danger.

Let’s dare to dream a dream that in months to come, while revival is burning through this land and our goal is to establish at least one church in every state of Brazil.

Without prayer, mission work is impossible. This work needs the wisdom that comes only from God so we can carry out His plans. In these troubled times, the men and women who are sent out need constant prayers for the wisdom they need to preach and for their safety. They need the anointing of God to preach as never before.

As we sense His movement and His presence over Brazil, we respond in humility and allow Him to work through weak vessels. This Jesus is worth praying to, worth worshipping and is worth living for and is worth dying for. Missionary work is a battlefield we desperately need you to hold up our hands.

An Oxford University professor once said to his students, "Beware of having earthly future." God would have us with our hearts and minds on His heavenly kingdom, and not on the perishing things in this transitory world. May we always remain untarnished in our devotion and in our love for the souls of men.

We want to end this note by thanking you for your part in our ministry - for your prayers, for your giving toward our support and your giving toward the families we work with.

Brother Raul and Sister Janice Alvear
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Old 04-12-2007, 10:38 AM
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Sister Alvear Sister Alvear is offline
Sister Alvear

Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Brazil, SA
Posts: 26,996
Love you folks so much. Rejoice that you are blessed to know the sweet Name of Jesus!
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Old 04-12-2007, 11:01 AM
OGIA OGIA is offline

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Originally Posted by Sister Alvear View Post
I need your prayers as I sometimes think it is more than I can bear to feel the weight of the lost souls who need so much to hear about Jesus.
Sis. Alvear,

If only I had your spirit............

This reminds me of last year at camp meeting after Bro. Maddix preached one of his heart-ripping, soul-stirring, soul winning messages. Afterwards, I was in the altar weeping and broken, burdened by all those I envisioned who didn't know this truth and would possibly never hear it. When I gathered myself, a young girl (17) from our church came over, having been in the same type of travail as many of us. She couldn't keep from nearly sobbing the whole time she spoke of her burden for the lost and wanting to do more. She mentioned how much it "hurt". I agreed and tried to find some words to comfort her with (not sure why?). I was looking for the typical "It's going to be ok" spiel -- you know the one where you don't like to see someone else in pain, but it's ok for you to be?

I think I either got something from the Lord at that moment or it was something that had been ruminating in me for a few weeks. I told her what I felt: she (we) had asked for this pain. I know, I'd heard her many times in our outreach prayer meeting. I know I had prayed for it, as others did, too. I told God that "no matter what the cost" I wanted to feel HIS pain and share HIS burden for lost souls. Now, after one of the most powerful calls to travail I'd heard and in the midst of the pain it was causing me and her (and many others), I believe the Lord quickened me at that moment and said, "All I did was answer your prayer."

I have no one other than myself to "blame" and no reason to seek or try to provide solace in these situations. My God, in His flesh, travailed over souls and I don't think He wants us to feel one less ounce of what we need to keep us driven to see what He desires.

I know it feels like there are times you can't go on because of the weight, but remember two things:

1) you (we) asked for this, He simply answered our request;


2) 2 Corinthians 12:9 -- “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.”

Without prayer support our work is vastly dangerous and complicated. We face obstacles you never face in the U.S. Our life is always in constant danger.
Thank you for your sacrifice and may The Almighty guide, protect and bless your efforts for His glory. May you always sense His grace and strength, for it is EVER present!
  • And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name one. [Zechariah 14:9]

  • Ignorance of the Identity of the One True God is not a valid reason to practice idolatry.
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