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Old 03-15-2013, 07:03 AM
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Jerry Moon

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Re: For the Preterists out there...

The best place to start if Mathew 24 Fulfilled by John Bray. Learn about it from someone that believes it.
Jerry Moon

The heresy hunters are still with us. Only now, instead of stakes, they use their books and radio programs to destroy those they consider heretics.... I'm concerned that heresy hunting may be turning into leukemia because some cultwatchers seem more intent on destroying parts of the body than healing the body....

Come see us on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/user/Revelationist1948
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Old 03-15-2013, 10:24 AM
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Re: For the Preterists out there...

Originally Posted by shag View Post
Heb.10:37 For, "In just a little while, he who is coming will come and will not delay."

2000 years and counting? the answer? "A day is like a thousand years, to The Lord", So with that in mind, it's fine to just disregard any and all descriptive terms pertaining to measurement of time in the bible. And...the NT writers were completely confused or mistaken about the Immanent return of The Lord in their generation. Like I heard from the pulpit last week after quoting "the end of all things is at hand", was followed by"a day is as a thousand"....

There's plenty of info out there. Youtube "all things fullfilled" or eschstology.org for info if u don't want to read the eschatlogy section on AFF.

Or, See what your girlfriends pret friends have to say...

Somebody may find the time to post some stuff on here at some point, not sure what all you're looking for.

All I am really looking for is unbiased information on the topic. I am sure that those who believe in Pret and those that don't are pretty biased, but when I believe something I typically present my case in a fair & balanced way. (Not quoting FOX News here).
"If we don't learn to live together we're gonna die alone"
Jack Shephard.
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Old 03-15-2013, 05:00 PM
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Jerry Moon

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Re: For the Preterists out there...

I'm a full Preterist ... But I really don't think that fits as well as a Covenant Eschatology . Because its all about Old Covenant to New Covenant. That's what fulfilled is all about. We have to use audience revelance when we read our Bible. Who was it written to? Remember much of the New Testament was letters to churches. They become scripture when the Pope canonized them. We are reading their mail. Futurist have to ignore all these facts. Use the rules you learned in English . They are helpful also.
Jerry Moon

The heresy hunters are still with us. Only now, instead of stakes, they use their books and radio programs to destroy those they consider heretics.... I'm concerned that heresy hunting may be turning into leukemia because some cultwatchers seem more intent on destroying parts of the body than healing the body....

Come see us on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/user/Revelationist1948
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Old 03-15-2013, 09:42 PM
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Jerry Moon

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Re: For the Preterists out there...

Read your Bible first as literature. Remember we are reading their mail.
Jerry Moon

The heresy hunters are still with us. Only now, instead of stakes, they use their books and radio programs to destroy those they consider heretics.... I'm concerned that heresy hunting may be turning into leukemia because some cultwatchers seem more intent on destroying parts of the body than healing the body....

Come see us on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/user/Revelationist1948
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Old 03-16-2013, 05:17 AM
MarieA27 MarieA27 is offline
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Re: For the Preterists out there...

It seems that God's hands are taken completely away from the bible, like He didn't guide anything throughout the ages, as if Jesus didn't use people throughout the ages, to put together what He wanted them to, and what we needed for our salvation...everything is all natural.

If the bible isn't God's word, and isn't infallible, and isn't the way that He wills it to be, (even with the many different translations out there) then there's no need for me or anyone to follow it then. Might as well throw it out, and do whatever we want to do...
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
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Old 03-16-2013, 05:54 AM
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Jerry Moon

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Re: For the Preterists out there...

Why would it not still be good for us today if we read it correctly.,it was written to them first? We get the overflow.
Jerry Moon

The heresy hunters are still with us. Only now, instead of stakes, they use their books and radio programs to destroy those they consider heretics.... I'm concerned that heresy hunting may be turning into leukemia because some cultwatchers seem more intent on destroying parts of the body than healing the body....

Come see us on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/user/Revelationist1948
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Old 03-18-2013, 10:00 AM
shag shag is offline

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Re: For the Preterists out there...

If you would win a man to your cause, first convince him that you are his sincere friend. Therein is a drop of honey that catches his heart...
Abraham Lincoln

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. - Eph. 4:29
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Old 03-21-2013, 12:57 PM
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Re: For the Preterists out there...

I saw this article and thought it was interesting! Comments!

(A New Commentary on Hebrews from a Full-Preterist Perspective)

We've all read or heard the term "dispensation." But what exactly is a dispensation? Is it simply an age, a mere span of time from point A to point B on the timeline of man's history? Not at all, for as James Strong said in his Exhaustive Concordance, a dispensation is an "administration … especially a religious economy"; in other words, it's an interval of time identified by means of a certain system of law or governmental administration. I'm also sure we've all read or heard people refer to the Mosaic Dispensation and the Christian Dispensation. With that in mind, consider the following:

The eminent Joseph Thayer in his Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament wrote that just…

As the Jews distinguished the time before the Messiah and the time after the advent of the Messiah, so most of the N.T. writers distinguish this age ([e.g.] Mt. 13:22)—the time before the … advent of Christ …, —and the future age ([e.g.] Mk. 10:30), i.e. the age after the return of Christ in majesty, the period of the consummate establishment of the divine kingdom and all is blessings"
(p. 19, § 3).

Likewise, G. B. Caird in his The Language and Imagery of the Bible wrote:

One characteristic form of Jewish eschatology is the belief in two ages: the present evil age will give place to the coming age of justice and peace, so that the end of the one is the beginning of the other; and in many, if not all, forms of this belief the coming age was conceived as a new and ideal epoch of [or within, TED] world history" (p. 244, ¶ 2).

Since, as Thayer noted, Jesus went along with His fellow Israelites concerning their "this age" (e.g. Mat. 13:40) and their subsequent "age to come" (e.g. Luke 18:30), certainly we shouldn't have a problem accepting this principle!

Keeping in mind that Jesus employed this ideology in His teachings, it shouldn't be difficult to understand and concede that one of the most important issues related to an accurate interpretation of biblical (true Jewish) eschatology was that the arrival of the Messiah would bring about the fulfillment of all things, thereby consummating the old world of Israel, while bringing into existence the new world of Israel (cf. Mat. 5:17-18 & Luke 21:20). Here are some results of this old-to-new scenario:

1. The first and flawed Adam is gone, while the last and flawless Adam—Christ—if here.

2. The false and flawed Israel is gone, while the true and flawless Israel is here.

3. The flawed body of Moses is gone, while the flawless body of Christ is here.

4. The old and flawed covenant is gone, while the new and flawless covenant is here. So…

5. The provisional and flawed priesthood of Aaron is gone, while the perpetual and flawless priesthood of Christ is here.

In other words, besides fulfilling all of the plainly stated prophecies, the Messiah would also bring into reality all of the numerous types and shadows of the Law, namely those unreal things pictured in people, places, and practices. As John wrote, "While the Law was given through Moses, grace and reality are ours through Jesus" (Moffatt's version of John 1:17).

Surely even God didn't expect that all these changes would occur overnight. So let's momentarily revisit the term "dispensation." For years now I've considered Ephesians 1:10 as the single/greatest summation of biblical eschatology in Scripture: slightly paraphrasing the NKJV, it says, "in the dispensation of the fullness of the times, God would gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in Heaven and which are on Earth." As I touched on at the outset, when an age is called a "dispensation," it means that it was a period of time administrated by a distinctive law and/or government. So Paul was indicating here in Ephesians that there was a specific span of time (what believers in fulfilled eschatology call "the millennium") when God would (and did) govern, i.e. orchestrate events, in such a way so as to transition His people from the Old Covenant mode of existence into the New Covenant mode of existence. And that, my friends, is what this splendid piece of literature commonly called Hebrews is all about—the essential journey from flawed to flawless, from unfulfilled to fulfilled, all of it penned to encourage the remnant to remain faithful through her trying time, for hardly ever is there such a thing as an easy transition.

All these themes and more are detailed in a book called Hebrews: From Flawed to Flawless Fulfilled!, a recently published commentary on the treatise to the Hebrews. The following features make this concise 333-page volume unique:

1. It approaches this eminent letter purely from a first-generation, Jewish-
Christian perspective, meaning that nearly all modern application of its
teachings is left to the reader to make once the original meaning is clear, for
a passage can never mean what it never meant anyway.

2. Although it's a commentary in the classic sense that each verse is remarked
upon in course, each of the 37 studies focuses on a paragraph which may
be adapted to a 35-minute talk or group studies. And…

3. It was written with the hope that its style will make it enjoyable as a book for leisurely reading as well as for research.

For more information about this book (such as how to take a peek at pages in it and how to save at least $5 on purchasing), simply go to ASiteForTheLord.com/id19.html.
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